"Marriage is not so much finding the right person
as it is being the right person."
Things to do between engagement and marriage:
Be in touch ! ...ouch don't take it otherwise, I mean to say do a lot of communication. It will help you to understand each other in a better way. Try to explore each other. Communicate on phone regularly. Go for an evening out with your fiance in any romantic location. Give her surprising gift. ( REMEMBER IN GIFTS FEELINGS MATTERS MORE THAN MONEY.) Don't expect too much from each other, as it will take time to understand each other . Don't feel hurt if you don't like any thing it is better to communicate that. Don't discuss yours professional problem with her this not the right time for this type of communication. Sometime give her late night call just say Love You Honey. Good Night and then put your receiver off and go for a good sleep. Next Day early morning give her a good morning call and her voice will tell you that it was dreaming with open eyes night for her yesterday. . Try to do each others shopping with mutual consent.
Don'ts Do's
Lie Discuss ideas on how you can make your marriage better
Criticize your spouse Listen without criticizing
Hide your emotions and true feelings from your spouse Spare time just to be with your spouse and only for her at that time
Try to dominate her Be willing to do the things you want your spouse to do
Take her granted for every thing. Smile often
Ignore her views or comments. Just touch with emotion.
Impose yours preferences. Respect her.
Comment on her family member. Convey yours expectation with her.
Hurt her feelings Give her surprise gift.
Make love in a way she don't like Plan a dream date.
Try to involve yourself in her past. Try to cook for her without her knowledge.